your first choice for german-canadian legal matters

JACOB LAW comes first in German-Canadian legal matters. With over 25 years of experience and more than 2,000 successfully completed cases, we understand the fundamental differences between the two legal systems and offer pragmatic solutions. Our advice is geared to your legal needs in Germany and Canada.

We offer more than just legal advice. We provide a comprehensive cross-border full service, handling paperwork, dealing with banks, arranging appraisals, overseeing asset sales and dispositions in both countries. As legal professionals, we will ensure that transactions comply with all local requirements.

Leave your legal matters in Germany and Canada to us! We will safeguard your interests, support and protect your transatlantic projects.

the first good advice…

…is quickly given. Many things can be resolved easily. Request a quick initial consultation.

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legal advice

commercial and corporate law

Germany and Canada have many congruent business interests. Both are heavily engaged in the Green Energy Sector as only one example. With offices in both countries, we can set up subsidiaries and joint ventures for you quickly and efficiently, focusing on local requirements. The same applies to business acquisitions and mergers. We can also assist you in bringing over management staff and transferring technology. Our further services include regulatory reporting, assisting with tax filings and handling annual meetings.

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civil litigation

Germany has a unified civil law system. Canada has a legal mosaic shaped by provincial common and civil law with overriding federal law. As a result, legal disputes involving the laws of Germany or Canada involve fundamentally different processes which engage different rules of civil procedure and require different procedural steps. Understanding the differing systems and their requirements is critical to successful court proceedings.

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estate law and probate

German and Canadian estate laws are fundamentally different. As German Canadian lawyers, we can assist you either in opening an estate in Germany or one in Canada, especially in Alberta, British Columbia, Nova Scotia, Ontario, and Quebec.

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all areas of law

As the leading experts on Canadian-German legal culture, we cover the full spectrum of the areas of law commonly encountered. In addition to commercial law, civil litigation, and estate law, we have considerable expertise in cross-border real estate law, immigration law, and employment law. We also encourage mediation for efficient dispute resolution instead of costly litigation.

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canadian notaries

As Canadian notaries licensed in Ontario and Québec, we can notarize Canadian legal documents in Munich to save you from having to travel to Canada.

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JACOB LAW Operations Consulting (JLOC) will act as your operational task force in Germany and Canada. Local professionals take care of non-legal tasks you require for an all-round solution.

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We have long-standing cooperation partners in all of Canada’s provinces. They provide a direct line to local authorities, courts, and other important institutions.

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Handels & Gesellschaftsrecht

from B. Kächele

Richter bis hin zum Obersten Gerichtshof von Kanada überzeugt

Amerikanischer Global Player im Ölgeschäft hatte deutschen Mittelständler im Visier und versuchte mit fragwürdigen Methoden an das Know-How unseres Familienunternehmens zu kommen. Die deutsch-kanadische Juristin Sylvia Jacob, Inhaberin der…

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Amerikanischer Global Player im Ölgeschäft hatte deutschen Mittelständler im Visier und versuchte mit fragwürdigen Methoden an das Know-How unseres Familienunternehmens zu kommen. Die deutsch-kanadische Juristin Sylvia Jacob, Inhaberin der Anwaltskanzlei Jacob Associates, hat mit ihrem Vorgehen einen Präzedenzfall in der kanadischen Rechtsprechung geschaffen, der künftig für europäische Firmen, die sich in Kanada engagieren, von existenzieller Bedeutung sein wird.

Sylvia Jacob mit ihrem Team konnte mit einer exzellenten Strategie, die Wende in diesem schon fast aussichtslosen Fall herbeiführen. Ihr gelang es durch ihr Auftreten und ihre hochprofessionelle Beweisführung, die Richter bis zum Supreme Court of Canada zu überzeugen. Sie hat sämtliche Verfahren in allen Instanzen gewonnen und letzendlich sogar Schadenersatz für uns durchsetzen können.

Ich danke der Rechtsanwältin Sylvia Jacob, auch im Namen der gesamten Firma, für ihre grandiose Arbeit auf beiden Seiten des Atlantiks.


German Canadian cross-border transactions are exciting. Economic relations between the two countries have grown tremendously in recent years, especially in light of the CETA agreement. The two countries are attracting more and more cross-border trade, resulting in more and more cross-border transactions. We have collected a lot of valuable information for you here.

Canadian Immigration: Key Changes Impacting 2025 and Beyond

Canadian Immigration: Key Changes Impacting 2025 and Beyond

Canada has introduced significant immigration policy changes in 2024 to balance demographic growth, economic needs, and the sustainability of the programs themselves. This now results in a reduction to the number of people accepted for various permanent and temporary...

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Often Neglected aspects of immigrating to Canada

Often Neglected aspects of immigrating to Canada

When planning to immigrate to Canada, one often focuses only on the various immigration programs available. What one often neglects to consider is that immigration to Canada is not only about qualifying for permanent residence, but also properly settling in the...

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Last-minute delivery of a Canadian Birth Certificate in time for a wedding in Germany Sometimes it’s not all about winning the case; it’s about having the right paperwork at the right time. That can be a challenge if you need a legal document from Canada for a wedding...

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